Valve also won't allow you to use another payment method to transfer the funds. As you don't own the cards used to make the purchase you can't do this. That person owns the cards used to purchase the wallets but will claim their card lost/stolen and have the charges revoked.Įither way the money is taken from Steam and Valve will then place restrictions on your account until the money is return to their accounts. That person could have purchased them using stolen bank card information in which the transaction will be classed as a fraudulent purchase and that Steam wallet card will be revoked. Is it a store/business selling this or is it a random person? +agree If I were to buy that card, would I receive 1925.73MXN on my Steam Account or would I receive a different amount? if a person is selling steam cards, I would walk away. Right now, there is a person selling a 100USD card for 1600MXN. Keep in mind that the value of a 100 steam gift card may vary due to demand and supply, but rest assured that youll receive the best rate right here. You can trade Steam cards and other gift cards for cash, Bitcoin and USDT on Prestmit and get paid instantly. Currently, a 100 Steam card is 50,000 on the Prestmit gift catd trading app at the rate of 500. Enjoy exclusive deals, cloud saves, automatic. With the Prestmit gift card calculator, you can check the Naira value of all types of gift cards in Naira. I live in México and just checked the Daily Currency Conversion Rate which is 1USD = 19.2573MXN. Subscription term name:100 Format:Card Steam 100 dollar Wallet Card. Originally posted by ray_ballesteros:Hi everyone.